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Fancy Character

Fancy Characters oleh FancyApps Limited
Item Name Fancy Character
Price Rp 25,000
Description kumpulan emoticon keren yang tidak disertakan dalam emoticon bawaan BB.. salah satu aplikasi paling dicari oleh semua pengguna BB...
Available Stock Unlimited Stock

Item Description

Make your friends surprised by smiles in BlackBerry® Messenger and fancy characters in EMAIL, SMS (GSM only), IM and PIN messages and status!

If it asks to pay for an update then get FREE Upgrades at official site http://fancychar.com/ota

Please read the description and FAQ below and try a 5 DAYS FREE TRIAL!
If changed device and have issues with activation - contact support with old/new PIN details.

- About 300 Colored Smiles and over 200 flags for BlackBerry® Messenger 5.0
- Integrates to any application
- All supported Unicode symbols and characters
- Several categorized tabs for easy characters access
- Facebook char icons avaialble

1. After App Installation you will not see any new application icon
2. Click Menu button and then click “Insert Fancy Char” menu item
3. Click on any icon to insert to message
4. If application does not support direct integration then selected character will be stored in clipboard and you can paste it later
Q: It inserts ? instead of characters to the SMS
A: Go to options-sms and change encoding from 7bit to SC2. Unless you’re on CDMA version. CDMA SMS is very limited and unfortunately does not support Unicode, although email/pin and others will work.

Q: Can I have more symbols
A: You have to install East Asian Language and Input Support in BlackBerry® Desktop Manager.
Those Asian fonts have all Unicode characters required. This applies to 5.0 OS mostly. Older devices may lack some symbols.

Q: Why cannot I see colored Smiles and Flags?
A: Those colored smiles works exclusively in BlackBerry® Messenger so make sure you update your BlackBerry® Messenger first if needed (http://www.blackberry.com/messenger). You cannot insert colored smiles to any other app except BlackBerry® Messenger.


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