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Battery Booster

Battery Booster ★ Professional Power Optimizer oleh S4BB Limited
Item Name Battery Booster
Price Rp 35,000
Description Aplikasi ini dapat mengklaim mampu mengurangi pengurangan batterai Blackberry anda sehingga lebih irit baterai... Best Seller!!
Available Stock Unlimited Stock

Item Description

Boost your battery's current run-time!

Benefits: Enhance the current battery run-time.
No new hardware: Software only solution. No additional hardware needed!
Easy: Just install and save battery.
Convenience: Can run in background: BlackBerry® can be used for other purposes as well.

★ Battery saving recommendations for BlackBerry® settings: best practice backlight timeout and brightness settings for battery preservation.
★ Automatic battery saving mechanisms when devices is not used: radio or WiFi connections might not be necessary when the device is locked.
★ Low signal radio saver: a BlackBerry® phone searches extensively for better network coverage when the radio reception is low, this wastes an tremendous amount of power and drains the battery very quickly. BatteryBooster can now switch off your radio if reception is too low.
★ Fully configurable battery saving options.

Plus TWO Applications included for Free!

★ PowerControl is a neat battery saving tool! It allows you to schedule your device to turn off and back on when you want. Multiple off/on schedules are possible and can save a lot of power!
★★★ Sells for $9.99 separately, but now FREE with BatteryBooster! ★★★

★ SmartWiFi saves battery by turning off WiFi when not needed and turning back on when needed. For example, WiFi being switched on is not needed when you commute between office and home. When WiFi is off battery is saved.
★★★ Sells for $9.99 separately, but now FREE with BatteryBooster! ★★★

If you like BatteryBooster please write a review. Thanks.

This product comes with a 30 day value back guarantee. More info: http://s4bb.com/returnpolicy.


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